01 Sep 2003, 01:00
You dig.
Join Date: 02.04.2002
Location:  On the fothermucker
Posts: 7,179
As Time Goes By
- June 1999: mlukfc.com is about to go online!
- November 1999: 1st layout change
- ...
- September 2003: After 4 successful years we finally decided to change clothes again. The static black design is gone. Instead you see some vivid colors and less graphics. The website is completely database driven now, which allows us a lot more interactivity with our visitors.
- Contents of the "old" website, which is not yet available will be integrated soon. That's a promise!
- Wednesday, October 1st 2003: Obviously, the all new site must be online. D'oh.

Have fun and leave your feedback in the forums.