15 Feb 2005, 20:46
You dig.
Join Date: 02.04.2002
Location:  On the fothermucker
Posts: 7,179
Shopping Mall - Guidelines
Welcome to our shopping area, please read our additional guidelines before posting. - Do not link to auctions, spam, or marketing schemes.
- Absolutely no advertising of sites, job opportunities, services, etc.
- You are not allowed to post offers to items that are illegal to sell.
This includes (and is not limited to) pirated software, stolen goods, mp3 and mpg/avi collections, bootlegs, etc.
- This Shopping Mall is for personal buying, requesting, and selling. It is not for commercial buying and selling.
- No selling of live products, eg animals etc.
- Post real offers only. Don't fool around, this forum is for serious buyers and sellers.
- When making your thread/topic, please use a descriptive title like For Sale, Request or Trade.
- If you are selling or requesting an item in a specific region, please include this information in your thread/topic title, eg. For Sale (UK) .
- Please do not bump your topic excessively. If no one has made an offer on what you are selling after a week, maybe think about changing the price.
- No thread hijacking. If you would like to sell or request an item, make a new thread. Do not "add" your item to another member's thread.
Thanks and Happy Shopping!
These guidelines are subject to be changed anytime.