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Old 23 Dec 2011, 17:09   #4
Mr. Happy
Join Date: 13.02.2010
Posts: 736

To be honest, I was a little bit disappointed with this one. I fell in love with HCTB like you would not believe, and it got me so pumped for HIAHB that I basically researched every song on the album the moment the track list was released >.> There's a live version of the Giving Tree on YouTube by the songwriter (Evan Watson), and it's a very dust and bones sort of take on it. It sounds incredible, and with proper production, it could have been something really special and unique. Instead, it's more or less just another rock song. A very good rock song, but still nothing out of the ordinary.

7 for me. The above aside, it's still a damn good take on the tune. And probably the best song on the album.
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