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Old 25 Oct 2014, 02:52   #56108
Mega Loafer
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Originally Posted by Julie in the rv mirror View Post
Yep, I haven't upgraded, and don't really want to, though I know I'll have to eventually. I didn't like Windows 7 at all; I don't have much experience with 8 as of yet. You might be better off putting a little money into your old machine- the parts aren't so expensive, especially if you know someone who can install them for you. Laptops have gotten so powerful these days, I don't think I'll buy another desktop.
The newest laptop would be pretty hard to upgrade from what I've read as things like the graphics on that one are integrated but I'm not sure what my three year old laptop would be like. My dad's desktop would be brilliant for upgrading as it's still a great computer on a whole although I think he's miss it if I were to put it in my study as he doesn't really do laptops.

If you didn't like Windows 7 then Windows 8 isn't going to be much better IMO. They're working on Windows 9 which works to improve on some of the things that people disliked about Windows 8. There's also rumours that it might be free although I'm not sure on the reliability of that information.
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