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Old 24 Sep 2017, 00:37   #6684
Mega Loafer
Join Date: 18.06.2003
Location:  At The End Of The Line
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Weirdly "empty" and unimpactful film. Was more entertained by it 3rd time round but really once Blofeld comes centre stage it grinds to a halt. It feels a little like Bond by numbers all the way through. For example car chases through Rome... which is weirdly deserted so only one joke car in the chase and no risk of collateral damage to buildings or people. A train fight, because they can't hope to replicate the brilliance of the casino royale train scene. But again the train suddenly clears and no one tries to intervene or stop the train. Bond's master plan to escape the villains lair is to... um walk out. And you know, shoot people. An enormous explosion follows but they don't really seem to notice. Or have any urgency to escape. And the end chase is yet another ending that doesn't really belong in a Bond film.

But the real killer for me is the most stupid family connection plot line in the history of cinema. Blofeld reduced from an evil secret mastermind, to a whiny vengeful school boy. Utterly idiotic.

And PLEASE can we have Bond on an actual mission for her majesty next time and not yet ANOTHER official standing down. Enough already! It was shocking in Licence To Kill because it was the first time it happened in over 25 years. It's not shocking when it happens every bloody film.

Positives? Love the pre credits. Daniel Craig is excellent in the first half. Mr White is excellent. The main girl is pretty decent. The thing with the mouse and earlier the sofa is funny.

Overall not that great.

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