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Old 10 Feb 2020, 18:27   #43
Mega Loafer
Join Date: 28.06.2008
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Originally Posted by ThatWriterGuy View Post
To be clear: I'm not in favor of censorship, but this is a situation that the majority of users on this site know nothing about. The speculation only serves to inflame each party in an era where this kind of thing ends careers and affects lives. Or vice versa. So tread carefully.
There's a time and a place for it for sure. My original inclination was to take part in light discussion, but from some of the more recent comments, I can see where the discussion is headed. The last thing we want is someone from the press viewing this thread and writing an article that goes viral like that last issue about Meat and Greta based on false information or speculation. That false information came from an interview with Meat and a journalist, not this fan club, but the impact could be the same or worse regardless of the source. As you've said ThatWriterGuy, "this kind of thing can end careers and affect lives". I would also add that it can even lead to worsening mental health and thoughts of self harm. We all know how upset Meat was about the issue with Greta...Now imagine that 10 fold. Based on her twitter posts, Patti appears to be going through a very interesting time. I am not sure what to make of it, but I am concerned about the tweets. I would not want the situation to escalate based on hearsay. I think it is time to be very careful, very respectful, and supportive of people we truly care about in this business. And, importantly, only discuss what we KNOW. All other discussion is better served in private or not at all until more information comes to light - if it ever does.

Last edited by stretch37; 10 Feb 2020 at 19:03. Reason: accuracy
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