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Old 16 Aug 2019, 15:15   #13
Mega Loafer
Join Date: 27.03.2003
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In spite of the fact that Meat did a biography. I found it disappointing that the music was given short attention. I would like to see him do a serious sit-down interview just about his career. They could play some short clips (I suppose copyright could be an issue) but go through the whole process. What did he feel about the song or album then and has that changed now. Which songs were gems and which ones he did not really care for (especially on the MATLAF album which he has called "demos"). How did it feel touring small clubs and going back to the top in '93. There is a story of persistence and inspiration there.

I was most amazed that he was not asked if there could be another album realistically. I don't think he could get tour insurance if he wanted it, one fall and the tour is over.I'd also like to know if his back injury has affected his voice, does he still sing and do vocal exercises when he is able? Stuff like that.
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