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Old 09 May 2011, 19:47   #17
Senior Loafer
Join Date: 03.09.2010
Location:  Concord, NC
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First....the whole Meat Loaf / racism thing should not even be dignified with a response! So...I won't.

Second...the show had 3 critical elements for me. Number 1...Nene, in the end, reacted as most bullies do when they are called out. She quit!

Number 2...Starr proved to be what I knew she was all along. The scene outside the boardroom, when she was confronted by Meat, told the story about Starr. Meat had the FACTS. I even went back on my DVR to make sure. :) When Starr turned her back on Meat, it was all over. She was finished. It revealed alot when she stooped to play the "sweetie" card. She was backed into a corner, but still did try her best to lie her way out of it. She was in charge of "branding"....period! She just couldn't / wouldn't own up to HER failure......and I'm not surprised. I'm confident that if Meat had been in charge of branding, we would have seen him own up.

Number 3....I had been waiting to see Meat as the "fighter".....and he brought it out. I still believe he is way too nice of a guy in many respects, but NOBODY attains the success he has over such a long career without being a FIGHTER. When it was on the line....he stepped up. He was right, he had the facts, and he wasn't about to let Starr off the hook.

The last 20-30 minutes of the show was some of the most compelling TV I've ever seen.
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