Thread: Tyce Green
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Old 26 Feb 2017, 21:41   #85
Super Loafer
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I can't help feeling like I've walked into Equality and Diversity PC Police 101.

Over the years there have been any number of things that have been wrong in terms of equality, but I don't believe every single thing should have to be for both a man or woman. There are songs that were written for men, songs written for women, and songs that have no gender about them (I count Heaven Can Wait as the latter). So to me there is nothing wrong in a song being a male or female only song.

If like Safe Sex you have to change words to make it right in context, then effectively the original song is still a song that was written for a woman with a new version that has been written for a man to sing. Two different songs for two different people.

If you want to look at a pop song that sums it up take a look at I Kissed A Girl by Katy Perry. It's a song sung by a woman about kissing a woman. If you run through the lyrics though, that could easily be sung by a bisexual male. Some songs are written that way naturally without any shoehorning, others aren't in which case you are technically creating a new song to make it fit.

That's my simplistic view of it anyway.
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