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Old 13 Dec 2011, 00:03   #173
Super Loafer
Join Date: 22.09.2011
Location:  Guyra, NSW, Australia
Posts: 283

I would just like to say a BIG THANK YOU, to Caryl and the team at LFTT! You do such a marvelous job, and it is such a pleasure to support such a great charity too I can't even count on 2 hands how much stuff I have bought from LFTT in the last 4-6 months of knowing about it, and through following Meat. I just can't get enough of the jewelry and other goodies, and it certainly made it very easy for Xmas shopping too. But I also adore the fact that my money spent helps put a very big smile on a childs face, and for that I am thankful for, as I love kids and I love to help those children who are sick and in need.

Anyway, once again THANK YOU!!!!!


Originally Posted by SueL View Post
Remember, it's a GOOD addiction.

You're doing a great thing, Deena ~ you're a great friend to the Turtle. I don't check our site everyday, and I'm not sure I ordered silver beads. Aww!! I know I did not order the Giving Tree, and I'm going to have to rectify that promptly.

I couldn't agree more about supporting a children's charity. I can't fathom how any adult capable of helping turns a back to any child in need, and especially a sick child! And I think it's pretty obvious by now that what we offer for sale to help support the kids served by The Painted Turtle are quality goods at incredibly low prices.

Shipping costs are negligible - you live in the U.S. as I do - can you think of any online merchant who ships for less than $3.00? LL Bean doesn't count!

And you make such a good point about Meat - he LOVES The Painted Turtle - don't people remember Celebrity Apprentice??? And if someone is here, reading this, the assumption that they are a fan of Meat Loaf is pretty much a no-brainer. Sure, we have the odd "observer", but I believe they are few and far between.

It makes absolutely no sense to me why this thread is so bare. We have stalwart supporters such as yourself, but we should have DOZENS who want to help.

Okay, enough pontificating for now!

Enjoy your jewelry and relish the fact that YOU are helping a great cause.
CHSIB myself Sue :) I will admit, I'm a head over heals addict to LFTT The jewelry..........well all I can say is I've bought plenty, and bought more today Love it, love it, absolutely love it! I can't understand why more people, especially here on the forum, haven't come on board with this and bought some, or shown some support to this great charity :) It really is a no brainer, but people seem to be slow off the mark :) Even if they just bought a band, it would be awsome :)

Anyway, I can't tell you how much I love buying this great stuff from LFTT, and trying to promote LFTT I just hope it can take off in Aus :)

Aw, must not forget this too! I got some other little goodies to go with the great goodies I got in the LFTT cracker pack :) Something to go crackers about, I do think :) So it'll be a cracker ensemble in the next couple of days, which will be fun :)

Last edited by AndyK; 13 Dec 2011 at 10:33. Reason: please please please learn to multi-quote
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