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Old 10 Jan 2020, 17:37   #28
Super Loafer
Join Date: 12.09.2016
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Posts: 420

After speaking with loaferman61 by PM, I've determined that the thread he found about Jim was one I've seen previously as well, posted at a place called Datalounge. Datalounge is widely renowned online, by people who know about its existence anyway, as a place where "queens" (in the gay sense) can be bitchy and vent. Gay celebrity gossip, gay politics, gay news, and pointless mean-spirited bitchery since 1995. Aside from the word "mean-spirited," that's their own self-description; look 'em up on Google if you don't believe me.

Very occasionally, as a producer myself, I've seen someone post something there which isn't common knowledge that has a grain of truth to it, but I use the words "very occasionally" and "a grain" for a reason. If one takes the time to look around the rest of the site in depth, they'll either need an Excedrin for the resulting headache, or they'll picture a room full of limp wrists and hip thrusts competing for the best put-down or the juiciest storyline (and I say that as a gay man).

Time will be the ultimate arbiter of the stories about Jim on that site, and as they have little connection to the main topic, I think it better if we ignore them unless or until someone else corroborates them. This is about Patti, to the extent the thread is allowed to continue. Whoever posted about Jim on Twitter has their own stories to tell, evidently, and will do so as/when they deem prudent.
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