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Old 21 May 2020, 11:34   #14
The Lurker in The Shadows
Join Date: 02.12.2002
Location:  Cork
Posts: 209

Here's a Meat interview that explains more around the title dilemma.

There's this on YouTube as well where he describes using "Hell" as "easy [and] predictable".

If you search around Google as well, there's plenty a Billboard article to be found referring to the upcoming album as "Escape From Hell" or alternatively "Escape From Hell: Welcome to the Neighbourhood" or some other variation of the two.

I was always curious about the dragon vs non - dragon versions of the ILFY video as well. Disc 2 of WTTN Collector's had the dragon and anytime it makes a rare showing on TV it's the dragon so I always assumed that was the official version...

...I saw a clip of the final chorus on a site a while back with some slightly different inserts, the plane is shown instead of the dragon... so that makes at least three versions of the video?
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