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Old 09 Sep 2012, 01:41   #5
Join Date: 29.01.2010
Location: Germany
Posts: 16
Default Bat sales award

Unfortunately I haven't seen this thread earlier...but I hope none of you bought this award. It is not legit.

1. it has the wrong label. There was no such thing as a red label. The first Bat label was orange.
2. the font on the plaque is not authentic.
3. the frame has not the usual red primer used unter the gold paint. Usually, it always shines through.
4. the sticker on the back of the award says that it was made by the frame shop New York Frame&Picture. Indeed, the real awards were manufactured by a framer named Creative Glassics. Even though there were Bat awards by NY F&P the would have other frames.

On the attached link you can see an authentic Bat award. So you can compare the differences.

As far as I know Meat doesn't care much about his sales awards (neither does Steinman) but he still owns his RIAA gold award for Bat.

I am an award collector and I'd really love to make some contacts here. Maybe some of you share the same hobby.
Currently I have two 12xplatinum RIAA awards for Bat and two 4xplatinum for Bat II and I'd like to trade them.
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