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Old 03 May 2019, 23:52   #6866
I hope your salmon sucks!
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Originally Posted by AndrewG View Post
Can't wait for Infinity War 2 / Avengers 4.
Avengers: Endgame.

Well the wait was not worth it.

What a disappointment . The movie went into all sorts of directions I didn't want.

  • So slow and not re-watchable unlike Infinity War (watched it 6 times in the last year), still stellar and this movie doesn't ruin that for me. Will probably never sit through Endgame again and watch Infinity War again soon to erase my memory of this crap.
  • Captain Marvel can literally carry a space ship from lightyears away back to Earth without ANY problem. Compare to Superman having trouble detaching a space shuttle from an airplane, carrying it safely into orbit and then rescuing the people in the plane. It needed all of his powers, it looked difficult. Captain Marvel is an overpowered idiotic character. How can there ever be danger again in the Marvel universe with her around? I guess she is "too busy" sometimes so that explains it.
  • Thor is a shadow of himself and can't do 10% of what he did in Infinity War even with both his hammer and axe. The beerbelly was funny for a minute but just became annoying.
  • Tony Stark needs to be seen doing the dishes (even though he can invent a quantum time machine in an afternoon). There is literally a lot of de-masculinisation going on here. And I think it is to show the female heroes in a better light. What nonsense. Ripley, The Bride, Sarah Conner never needed that in their movies. In fact Gamora, Scarlet Witch and Black Widow didn't need that in Infinity War. They stood out as some of the best superheroes I've seen in Marvel then and held their own amongst powerful men, but not here, here only Captain America and Ironman (after the dishes) are as powerful the rest can't do as much as the women any more. Pepper Potts has literally joined the avengers at the end in the big fight. Who is looking after their child? Ultron 2? Mental.
  • Hulk is some kind of disgrace. don't know what the hell the movie makers were thinking there.
  • Quill needs to get kneed in the nuts for caring about Gamora. They went with humour over drama in so many places and it just is stupid and idiotic at times. This movie is in that sense on par with The Last Jedi like watching Luke Skywalker throw his saber over his shoulder. Luke and Thor may as well have thrown their dicks and balls over their shoulders whilst they were at it. That is literally what these movies seem to want the characters to do. But why?
  • Long drawn out part with Thor's mom. Who cares? He was literally a God of a people he was going to rule, not a god who missed his mommy! The Stark and his dad story makes sense, I get that. That was build up in several of the previous movies.
  • Thanos gets killed easily and we have a Thanos from the past who doesn't have the intrigue, the knowledge, the sacrifice, the experience. Thanos now wants to destroy planets for the sake of it.
  • Leaving the 5 year gap is ridiculous. So many consequences for humans and animals. Where do people get snapped back to existence if they were travelling in a plane? Literally the only way the movie could have gone is to do the unsnap almost immediately or prevent the snap from happening in the past. Anything else turns into a mess as this movie clearly demonstrates.

    "Hi honey I'm home"
    -"I'm sorry George, but I've moved on and have children with someone else now.

    "Where is my mommy?"
    -"I'm sorry little Thumper, but your family is long gone and your friend Bambi got shot 3 years ago")
  • Stupid nonsense time travel rules/story that have been handled much better in Back To The Future (Endgame even takes the piss out of that) and Star Trek. What about the green infinity stone time travel? Why have two time travel devices in the same universe? How can future Marvel movies ever explain why they are not using the quantum method to fix problems?
  • The 3D was a terrible dark mess. I don't remember Infinity War being like this. Could have been the cinema's projector bulb that needs to be replaced I guess (saw IW in the same screen).
  • Inconsistent in comparison to the previous episode and what has been going on in all Marvel movies in general.
  • Everyone rates it a 10 which makes me question critics and whether people are really honest and don't want to say something bad? To me this is some of the worst I've seen from Marvel straight after Paul Rudd channeling a woman in Antman 2. That was so horrible. Antman 2 was quite horrible in general terms.
  • No heart except for some bits with Captain America and Ironman. No better than Civil War in that sense. The rest of the characters are just useless and forgettable unlike Infinity War where everyone played such important parts even Thanos' henchmen. Here everyone except Cap and Ironman feels wasted which is astonishing at 3 hours runtime.
  • Captain Marvel :"You have something for me, Peter Parker?" -"Yeah I've got something for you alright, a smack in the face and a get the hell out of this movie with your cocky nonsense" He should have said.
  • Scarlett Witch wants revenge for losing Vision (would be nice if there was more of that as she has become a decent character - unlike Captain Marvel). "You destroyed my world!" But then to Thanos from the past "Who is this woman?" All this one on one stuff doesn't work right as a result. The drama from Infinity War is so far removed from this, I don't get how this was done by the same film makers. Maybe this was incredibly rushed or some re-shots caused problems? So strange.

What a disgrace overall.

It's like the Avengers series is the opposite of the Star Trek original movies series.
Assemble & Infinity War (1 & 3) are quite awesome - especially the latter.
The even numbered ones (Ultron and Endgame) are barely watchable and have stupid titles to boot. Ultron wasn't an Age and Endgame should have been called Avengers Aftermath as this wasn't an Endgame. It was a time travel reversal that could have been done at any point because if a 5 year gap isn't a problem, they may as well have waited longer. Black Widow could have had another peanut butter sandwich. The Hulk could have had more selfies in a diner. The stakes for essence were just completely lost to me. Not an Endgame.


Last edited by AndrewG; 04 May 2019 at 00:01.
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