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Old 02 Oct 2018, 17:35   #227
Mega Loafer
Join Date: 27.03.2003
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For once nobody is blaming the "crappy cell phone video" for the sound. Caleb is doing the right thing by not even trying to imitate Meat at all. Caleb is not an actor which was always Meat's strength in conveying and interpreting the lyrics. Instead Caleb is just delivering quite good vocals and keeping the band together along with Paul. Not sure how the kiss and groping scene in "Paradise" plays to audiences of today (or if I'm just jealous of Caleb, LOL). I often found "Paradise to run a bit too long for various reasons and I'm not sure the play-by-play is really needed except to back up the make out scene. I had a cassette tape where "Paradise" took up most of one side when Meat (probably) improved a scene about his girl's mom had to have an 8 slice toaster and rode in the back of the pickup truck. I also wonder if Caleb will still try that audience sing-along in "Took the Words" because I would not miss that either. Overall this is good and not just some "tribute" act with some overweight guy and his garage band buddies.
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