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Old 04 Aug 2017, 12:20   #6659
trying to be realistic
Join Date: 28.09.2007
Posts: 1,957

Star Wars Prequel Trilogy (1999-2005)

I actually forgot how incredible bad these movies are.

The first time I saw them I thought that Revenge of the Sith was actually okay-ish. But that has everything to do with how horrible Phantom Menace and Attack of the Clones are. Because seeing it again, Sith is also a terrible film.

It's not just that the movies don't share any of the Star Wars Universe feeling, but the poor storyline, the dragging scenes and the bad script for all 3 movies overshadow the special effects that these movies are filled with.

Which is another problem. To start with, the sfx are already very outdated and look poor, but because the movies are basically just SFX, they lack the Heart and passion that is clearly visible in the original Trilogy and even the Force Awakens.

As I think of it, I can't think of anything good that concerns these movies. They are, and always shall be, a total waste.

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