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Old 06 Jul 2022, 21:17   #53
Super Loafer
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Originally Posted by stretch37 View Post
Truth in the eyes of who? Meat is not here to tell his side of the story because he is dead. Yet, on his supposed 'fan club', folks are dissecting this story trying to dig up just how much of an asshole he was. I feel like pissing on his grave fits the bill here. This is not the place. Make a Facebook group or something. I'm sure there are many people who would join the group and enjoy gossip (let's face it, no true facts have been laid out, its pure gossip and mischievous "you know what he did wink wink nudge nudge" rhetoric at this point).

It's fairly common that people will come out of the woodwork after a person's death and try to ruin their reputation or "set things straight". In many cases, legitimate hurt feelings were involved. Meat was no saint, he was not perfect by any measurement. But as with most people, there was good and bad. I am not here to defend Meat or Patti or anyone. But I don't feel like THIS is the place to be having this discussion. It's already upsetting enough that my hero is dead. But to continuously have to come here and see more back and forth between ThatWriterGuy and others regarding "wink wink you should believe me based on (insert my opinion based on partial truthful information I heard)" just how ~~~~ed up Meat Loaf was is not enjoyable. Is this a fan club, or is it a tear Meat down club? Each person involved always brings their own opinion of what happened in the room. let's face it, we will never get the full picture. This conversation could go on literally forever and we still won't get there. Meat and Jim are dead. Others don't like talking about this and many loved Meat and had great experiences with him and don't feel like there is anything to discuss.

Time to move on sounds about right.
See all of my previous posts. They address everything above (and then some).

No sweat.

But since you asked, and to answer your question directly:

Truth in the eyes of those who were there, and those who know those who were there. As it were, The Truth.

I was there for the Steinman stuff.
Patti et al were there for the Meat Loaf stuff.

If this upsets you, the answer is simple: Don't read it and go about your day. The only reason it gets posted here is because willfully bad actors appear and attempt to distort reality. This subject could have been put to bed multiple times, yet certain people always seem to think that they know better than those who experienced it first hand.

And that's fine, feel free to question, but expect me to pop in from time to time when it's brought to my attention and correct the inaccuracies.

Either way, I'm not losing any sleep.
You shouldn't either.

Last edited by ThatWriterGuy; 06 Jul 2022 at 21:51.
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