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Old 11 Jun 2022, 21:01   #6909
I hope your salmon sucks!
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Originally Posted by Adje View Post
The New Jurassic World movie.

Same director as the first. Same issues. Not sure if JW or this one is the worst in the franchise. Good to see the old crew though. With this done Jurassic Park is a better trilogy than Jurassic World (Despite JP 3 )
I found Fallen Kingdom didn't really stand the test of time after I watched it again a few times. The second Hammond thing is soo stupid. And the effects of the dinos leaving the house are terrible. For me probably as bad as JP3. JW1 for me was still the most interesting big creature movie since Jurassic Park: Lost World. The park stuff felt very authentic if a bit dumb, sure, but fun in places. The effects are still pretty decent too.
Will catch JW3 next week probably but have very low expectations.

Top Gun: Maverick (2022)

For me easily the best blockbuster sequel that has ever been made. I can't really fault any of the movie. The only thing I can think of is that the love story wasn't tied together to the main events that well. However, the action scenes are some of the best I've seen and you can clearly see not that much CGI was used. A very satisfying movie that never patronises its audience and starts a whole lecture about race or gender which we see so often with modern sequels after a long time since the original. Often we see sequels make the original hero seem like an idiot and even question his or her actions after all this time (see Last Jedi). I find this approach disgusting.
Maverick is much better than the original. Not often you can say that, in fact I can't think of any blockbuster movie where that has been the case. I know many prefer Empire over A New Hope but I'm not one of them.

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