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Old 05 Jun 2022, 22:05   #21
Super Loafer
Join Date: 19.10.2015
Location: UK
Posts: 668

No bitterness here. Should be clear. Just in case it's not, well, now you know.

As for Patti and her own comments on her personal Twitter page. That's on Patti. She's free to do that. Just as you're free to wade in with zero context and disparage her (don't mistake annoyance and the wearing thin of patience for bitterness - it isn't). You're also free to ignore her, and me, and based on the content of your continued replies you probably should.

Patti doesn't need your advice, and she certainly doesn't need your constant ridiculing of her mental health. You want to carry this on, this harassment, that's on you. I wouldn't advise it - and that's friendly advice - but you're free to do whatever you like.

I'd rather you didn't, but that's just me.

We've been talking about Meat since well before his passing, as well you know. I put KS on hiatus with regards to this. I won't lie and say, yeah, sure, he was a real swell guy. He could be a real monster, at times. However, I'm not of the inclination to repeat these things ad nauseam. What I will repeat, due to your continual selective reading, is that it doesn't please me to have to say this stuff. Not at all. And yet, sadly, it's stuff that clearly needs saying.

Patti has some very real, very serious issues in her life right now. It has nothing to do with your perception of her mental health. Every time you misinterpret something that she has said, willfully, and attack her, I'm going to set you - or whoever - straight.

One day, you will indeed get the message.

God of Low is self explanatory. I need more than both hands to count the people that Meat and Jim have screwed over and traumatized during their careers.

You don't want to hear it? Fine.
But it's true. I wish it weren't.

So let's wrap this up - again, Adje - otherwise I'm going to start billing you.

No hard feelings. Go about your life.
Listen to the music that you love.
Honestly, it's a short trip.
Enjoy it.
Do better things.

Last edited by ThatWriterGuy; 05 Jun 2022 at 22:11.
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