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Old 05 Jun 2022, 10:39   #11
Senior Loafer
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At the end of the day, whose business is it who gets what from Meats estate??

It's not for us to judge or pass comment on.

It's certainly not for Patti to offer an opinion on, she has her issues with Meat, and that's her business, ok she offers up those issues for comment with her tweets, but, at the end of the day, she's in the wrong there in my opinion.

i loved Meats music, but am under no illusions that the on stage & record persona is not the real life Meat, he said it often enough that he sang the songs in character.

I urge members of this forum to not give anymore airtime to Pattis rants on here, most of us don't know Meat or Patti, and therefore have no business wading into her spat with Meat/his estate as we simply don't know what is true.

No disrespect meant here to That Writer Guy, but maybe it's best you don't try to enlighten us as to Pattis meaning behind her tweets, you know her, you know her story, and that puts you inn a privileged position, that the rest of us are not in. You offer titbits into her post meaning, then stop before you say to much (which is your right) you talk about Meats working relationship with others and talk about the way Meat Allegedly treated them, which isn't really on. Oki I get you're trying to provide a degree of context, but, your telling other peoples stories, and 99% of the members on here have no way to ascertain if what your saying is true, or embellished in anyway.

I don't claim to speak for anyone on here, but, I prefer to remember Meat for his songs and film work, without rumours about how he treated people. I daresay he wasn't perfect, but to me that is none of our business.
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