Thread: Patti Russo
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Old 03 Feb 2022, 11:02   #161
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Originally Posted by ajf33 View Post
I hope Patti can find some kind of peace now, and move on, (I know that's sumit I should post to Patti, but for all I know she browses this thread, after all her user profile on here is still active)
Sorry to but into your sort of convo together but I agree with this very much.

The Patti I saw live in 2014 deserved a more substantial touring career from that point onwards. I REALLY thought she was just excellent and I enjoyed each show a lot (think I saw 4 in total on that tour).
It was also fun just seeing her perform the likes of I'd Lie For You solo. A lot of stuff just worked well and there was this sort of energy and freshness that deserved a full audience like we saw at the small O2 venue but was absent elsewhere.
However I think she needed to continue with that kind of quality experienced band I think and really build upon that and get those type of people involved in making some albums.

Bruce Springsteen said it best himself when he was always doing his fun long winded band introductions about "you can't get there by yourself."
I very much agree with that and I think this is why Meat Loaf was so excellent live. In fact Bruce himself I thought was incredibly boring to watch solo at Royal Albert Hall (I've been very fortunate to have seen all my musical heroes at RAH). Sure he was good but just not the fun party filled atmosphere he put on display elsewhere. EVEN when it was not his regular E Street band (the Seeger Session show at Wembley Arena in 2006 was magnificent in fact).

Some of my reactions to Patti's tweeting I can see in this very thread actually seem a bit harsh now that I am looking back myself. But so were her tweets at times I guess. They just came across as hand grenades as I pointed out.

In the end I want(ed) the best for Patti because when you can see an artist that can give you that euphoric feel during a live show you just want that to continue forever and the internet wars just become a bit of an annoyance to witness, EVEN if there is a very good reason for the tweets and posts.

I wish Patti the best and hope she will still release some great music and maybe I will still catch her live again some time.
It would be nice for sure.
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