Thread: Patti Russo
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Old 03 Feb 2022, 10:16   #157
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Originally Posted by ThatWriterGuy View Post
This may come as a surprise, but Patti and I are not joined at the hip. Her views are her views. My views are my views. They don't always align.

The (obvious) intention behind Kitchen Sink (at least, within its initial season) was to give Patti a platform on which to speak her mind about the events that she has faced throughout her career as a world class vocalist. Blow by blow, piece by piece, just as it happened in real life.

We only got up to 1994.

Let that 'sink' in.

The trauma that she has suffered can't be explained in a soundbite, and Patti has no intention of becoming a professional 'victim'. Any questions about this should be directed towards Patti, and not me, as I wouldn't want to speak on her behalf. It is, as always, on her own terms.

For my part, I tried to balance the above out with entertainment, insight, and a glimpse into the archives that fans would not otherwise have been aware of.

Sadly, that ship has now sailed.

There will be no more Kitchen Sink in its current form (the Meat and Jim aspect was intended to run for ten episodes before expansion into other areas).

Not a fan of what we're doing? Answer's simple.

Stop listening.

The idea wasn't, and never has been, to 'out' anyone. I would've thought that this was obvious by all of the tip-toeing around we have had to do (to lengths you would not believe) in order to preserve reputations (let this sink in, also), avoid potential lawsuits, and keep the peace. When I met Patti she wasn't in a good place. Speaking about it, via this vehicle, has helped. You may not see that, but you see less than 10% of real life (for instance, the common conception that Meat and Jim 'loved each other' is far from the truth. It's a shame, but it's simply untrue unless it happened post stroke #9, whereupon I wasn't around and wasn't involved).

I'm more than happy for people on this forum to ask questions. To contest what they hear. It's the only healthy way to live. Question everything. But do it with intelligence. Read between the lines, and realize why, sometimes, those lines exist in the first place. Patti isn't going to lie to you. I'm certainly not going to lie to you. Kitchen Sink is a non profit, no personal gain platform. Sadly, this leg of the journey has ended prematurely. Losing Jim, and with Meat's sudden passing, it can't be any other way.

On this we can agree.

So, are you saying that, Patti's story with regard to her time with Meat is now done, and anything else you put out will be more on what Patti is up to, or along the lines of your (I thought rather good) Queen video?

To be honest I think you're left with really three choices,

1. End Patti's tale of her time with Meat now, and move on to something else.

2. Continue the tale, but stop before the events Patti has alluded to, as, it does seem she did have a long period with time where there were few, if any problems, she could reminisce about.

or 3. Continue as planned and risk a backlash as there's now no way to hear Meats side (Tho i doubt he'd have told it anyway even if he hadn't passed, given he's not said anything about it since the "story broke" (for want of a better phrase)

Even after Patti started her "attack" on meat on twitter, he has remained nothing but complimentary about her, I remember a radio interview he gave where he described her as a fantastic co singer, and that was after Patti had started tweeting.

I get the impression from the word go, Meat wasn't going to get drawn into a war of words with Patti,

When Patti started posting on the other thread on here, I did manage to exchange a few messages with her, while I was trying to safisfy myself that the poster on here was indeed Patti, and she did come across as someone who was trying to shed a few demons .

So what are the plans for the Kitchen Sink going forward? (If you don't mind me asking)
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