Thread: Patti Russo
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Old 15 Nov 2020, 18:29   #89
Super Loafer
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I debated exactly what thread to post this in, but since this is the latest concerning any "news" on the subject that is unlocked, I thought it might be here.

This isn't Patti's story, per se; it still remains to be seen how much of that will ultimately see the light of day. But... somebody's talking, or at least it appears that way, and it has bearing on the subject of Meat and Jim, or, at least, that's how I'm choosing to interpret this.

A gentleman who is reliably reported to have contributed to the process of creating the Bat Out of Hell musical seems to have decided to tell more of his story. He's released a semi-autobiographical piece of fiction entitled "Rocket to Mars," which seems a thinly veiled account of his time working on the show. Its prefatory matters certainly suggest that it was... an unusual experience. (Anybody who notes the similarity in language to Patti's blog entry of 2013 about being fired is pretty smart to note that, and invited to consider it in terms of reflecting a pattern of behavior within a group. I'll just put it that way.)

The first part, of what will apparently be three, can be found here.

I'll admit that a little more about this story than may be published is known to me. Curious readers are invited to DM me. Meantime, I look forward to the next installment!
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