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Old 14 May 2020, 20:45   #13
Mega Loafer
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Originally Posted by Evil One View Post
I would love a 30th anniversary edition of Bat 2 with bonus DVD, however the idea of a Kickstarter doesn't sit well with me. Meat Loaf is a multimillionaire and the companies involved are all worth billions. Any of them could easily pony up for the rights to release either show if they really want to. Why should I pay for the opportunity to buy one of their products?

I suspect the real reason they've never been released is simply that Meat doesn't want them to be released. Given recent events and that Patti features in both concerts, I suspect he may have even less desire for their release.
This is all speculation and most likely wrong but just my opinion.

I suspect you are right that Meat doesn't want them released. I think someone was going to release that show from the early 80's that used to be on VHS and that got dropped. He might have said no to that.

Some of his best shows were in the 85-89 range and I'm pretty sure he has quite the collection, but probably shot be the crew and not a full pro shoot.

If we are going to rule out the Patti era, then that would rule out a lot of years. I see no use in pretending she never existed. I did enjoy the old tapes where the Goff's sang snippets of Jim songs especially a short interlude of "Original Sin". They can clean up any decently shot video from the 80's on but there is only so much that can be done and I assume the company would want it on the cheap if you could find one interested in Meat Loaf in 2020.

If there is another album it would help to include a DVD to help sales. So few people want physical media any longer but I am stocking up on it pretty cheaply. I prefer to own something and not have it possible to be lost due to a license issue. I have "Braver" on LP and don't own a record player, but hey it is autographed.
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