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Old 09 Nov 2018, 08:01   #6862
Mega Loafer
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Halloween 2018

Difficult one to rate this for me. As always it is far superior to any of the sequels without Jamie Lee Curtis, simply because she does an extraordinary job. In fact all the actors are pretty decent by horror standards. But it feels to me like a really really good film was made and then really badly edited and hacked down to achieve a certain run time.

For example, Laurie is damaged goods. We get that. But there are quite a few scenes where she turns up, bursts into tears, then leaves. No build up, no attempt at normality, no real context within the scene.

There's a thing that happens with the new Loomis that makes you go wtf and not in a good way. Then a few seconds later, it's undone. It's as if the film makers suddenly realise it makes no sense and take the only option to get out of it.

The ending also spends ages building up the tension very nicely but then seems a little bit rushed.

A girl escapes a car crash and then inexplicably runs through some woods in apparently random directions then finds some stuff in a clearing and collapses screaming. Not sure why. It's ok though because then the film forgets about her and she turns up exactly where she needs to be some time later.

Having said all that... there are some great scene and Michael Myers himself is back to being an unstoppable force of pure evil just as he should be. Some brutally efficient kills, but also a superbly creepy one. I won't spoil it but motion sensors are used to great effect. There's goose bumps when Michael gets his mask back and the scenes in the road at the Halloween party are a great modern upgrade of the original. The ending is superbly tense and creepy but is over just a little too quickly at the very end.

So overall very good but I'm sure there's an even better cut out there that could make it a classic.

I prefer H20. It's very of its time but it is focused, runs on rails, and is overall more coherent.

So for me 3.5/5


Halloween 1978
Halloween H20
Halloween 2018
Halloween II

Halloween Resurrection
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