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Old 24 May 2018, 01:27   #6805
I hope your salmon sucks!
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Originally Posted by Adje View Post
I think you missed my point. The failure part isn't the reason I think Avengers is a poor movie. The reason I find it a poor movie is because their failure is meaningless. Even the ultimate fail in these movies (death) means nothing. Peter Parker, Quill, and whoever seems important in their universe, will return from the death, because new movies have to be made. So basically there is no limit = no emotional connection.
I think the same type of argument could be made about prequel style movies such as Solo before you even see it.

You know that Han and Chewie, Lando and even the flipping Millennium Falcon are going to be just hunky-dory regardless of what happens in the film.
It makes the whole point of seeing what you know will definitely be their survival whatever is thrown at them pointless, no?

Always thought prequels generally are a bad idea. Can only think of Rogue One as being a good one. Everything else I've seen that is regarded as a prequel just sucks: The SW prequels. Star Trek retelling of the original series (albeit in a different timeline), Better Call Saul. All mostly a waste of time making in my opinion.

Probably just too many sequels and prequels of the same story line these days which destroys the whole what's a stake feeling now.
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