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Old 14 Feb 2018, 23:46   #6769
Mega Loafer
Join Date: 18.06.2003
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The Greatest Showman

I like musicals. There. I said it. I love music that stretches a singer and that's packed full of drama and or emotion. And that's what good musicals provide. And to bee honest I'd been put off seeing this one largely due to the clips of soundtrack I'd heard.

Well I'm pleased to say I was largely wrong.

The film really zips by. In fact it's one of those rare films where you wish it went on a little bit longer so you could feel the impact of some of the events more fully.

It's an interesting story though with a few (admittedly very predictable) twists and turns.

Some pleasant modern messaging about diversity and equality which happily isn't too heavily rammed down your throat.

Some of the songs are actually very catchy and likable and the cast sing them well and with a whole heap of enthusiasm.

Criticisms? Well it's all a little bit safe and predictable. The songs are very good but don't wow.

The best part of the film by miles is Hugh Jackman. He lights up and owns the screen with old school movie star charisma and superb emotive acting which makes you root for him 100%.

Would have been 3/5 with a lesser star. Hugh (oh plus a little bit of Zac) bumps it up to 4.
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