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Old 16 Jan 2018, 04:30   #24
Julie in the rv mirror
Spirit in the Night
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Originally Posted by CarylB View Post
He'll probably never RUN onto a stage again, nor bounce up and down like he used to, but his band are certainly not a dying rock'n'roll band (and I suspect many would fiercely argue that Bruce Springsteen isn't either , while the cast of the BOOH musical are still keeping Steinman's brand of rock'n'roll alive and taking it to a new generation). When he can get his back problem resolved Meat still wants to take to the stage with the NLE again, even if the long 3 plus months of touring may be over, and I believe he will still pack houses.
There are plenty of legacy rock acts that are still out there performing great shows. They might not be at the same level as they were thirty years ago, but then, neither are we. So, I think we need to cut them a little slack.

I saw B.B. King live twice, both times near the end of his life. He couldn't really play much anymore, and spent a lot of time talking, but he was still entertaining. But mostly, I was just happy that I got to see a living legend while I had the chance. As someone once said, "he gets points just for being B.B. King".

Likewise The Rolling Stones; I liked lots of their songs, but never had a real desire to see them live until a few years ago. As a rock music fan, I felt I needed to see them before they were gone. But, they blew me away! (Jagger is a freak of nature. )

Paul McCartney still plays three-hour shows at the age of 75.

And Bruce- he's doing his thing on Broadway these days, but I don't think he's ready to hang up his rock and roll shoes just yet.
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