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Old 05 Mar 2017, 03:02   #522
Super Loafer
Join Date: 06.11.2007
Location:  wigan ,manchester
Posts: 272

i also have experience in theater and producing and writing my own play it took my not as long has jim to get it put on and when i did it ran for 3 nights and the the first night was okie over ran but the 2nd night had a few changes and the 3rd night there was a lot of changes and theater shows dose cost a lot of money to put on and thirs factors what an audience's dosent think about too from room hire for the auditions to set to light sound costume rehearsal space getting all equipment pat testing and venue hire to and thirs the electricity of the building to what the company/show uses and any other things a show need and a hell a lot of work has gone in to bat out of hell and thats why tickets are so expensive and i saw lion king and that dident impress me i have seen over 50 musical shows since 2004 and my first being whistle down the wind another jim steinman show and out of all them bat out of hell is the best ever i have seen you know why they have gone so far out from the start to announcing the big launch in london and manchester witch i attended i have felt i have been on the same journey with the cast from day 1 of rehearsal to now. they have been doing post in rehearsal showing fans whats going on make fans feel part of their rehearsal process to giveing us live facebook videos to pics of the get in in manchester and thats very rear for a show to let the fans be part of the whole process thats why this is different to any other show what has been staged o is being staged
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