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Old 10 Dec 2016, 20:43   #39
Join Date: 20.04.2010
Posts: 62

Originally Posted by Adje View Post
Well here is my opinion. Coming from someone who has stated earlier that I would not buy his album and who does agree with his political beliefs.

So here I am, seeing this artist that makes music which is not my thing. Then I read how he puts my political thoughts on paper (or facebook) and I think, good for you man. That's what I think, those are my words. Thumbs Up!

Still, his music is not my cup of tea and when I see his album in the store I won't think "Hey he's anti-Trump like me, I buy his record." Nope, in fact when I see his album I remind myself that I'm not a fan of how he performes the songs and I will buy something else. Something I think I might like.

So what has Tyce gained from sharing my political ideas? Nothing.

Now if I would have been a Trump suporter from the beginning and saw this Tyce guy and think "Wow someone new who does Steinman songs. Gotta buy this..." I would be excited.

Then I would read his posts, putting me, as a Trump suporter, in a corner and basically insultng my choice and my judgement. I would see his album in the stores and my mind would not unlikely be "Oh yeah, the new Steinman guy. What a pretentious prick he is. Not going to suport that guy's career"

So what did he gain now? Exactly...

No one buys your album because you share the same political views. But you might lose potential buyers by being so strong opose them.

As Loaferman said, when you're an established artist you can handle it. When you're starting a career it's unwise to start it with a fight. Especially when you come from a divided country as the U.S. at this moment.

If you want to make a point that Trump isn't your guy. If you are that political involved at the start of your music career, chose a different path. An uplifting path. And instead of putting Trump voters in a corner say something in the line as "Okay I am upset by the elections but now we must all work together to make this country work for everybody" Then you made both your point and you haven't alienate people the way you're doing now.

And I don't just blame Tyce. He is a kid. But his management and perhaps even the producers of the album should have stopped him. He needs to be guided in this jungle not left on a deserted road by himself.
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