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Old 10 Dec 2016, 02:29   #34
Sound Guy
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Originally Posted by ashkent7 View Post
Braver Than We Are is also on Karine's album in October...Three versions of the same song in a year. Does that matter to me? Not really. There are songs released multiple times in a short space of time regularly now.

For me three versions means just that...three different interpretations in three different worlds of what is one of Jim's best pieces in my opinion. I don't speak German but the theatrics of the Tanz version and the choral final pass mean i listen to it regularly. Although I try to play Meat's album from end to end, if I'm in the car I get to the end of Going All The Way and think, go on then one more time, so I wouldn't have any qualms playing all four versions of the song back to back.

Different voices, different productions and styles, same core amazing song. There's a reason why some songs continually are released by different artists and it's usually because they are genuinely great songs. Braver or Going All The Way is around or over 10 minutes of constant lyrical and musical change which for me means there is a lot that can be interpreted to make entirely individual versions. It's the reason I will listen to the same song by Meat, Pandora's Box, Jim, Celine, Barry Manilow, Boyzone, The Everly's, Rory and anyone else you can name. Each one takes you on a different journey. Generally, the voice is only a small part of why i listen to songs, the rest is made up by the songs themselves, and these are eternal.

Anyone who say only found Meat's work now and looked up a song, would find that there are maybe three versions of some. It doesn't matter when historically there are multiple versions of a song, no one says let's check the dates that these were released; retrospect takes that away. Just because I happen to be listening now, in real time when Tyce and Karine's versions are released, it's no different to discovering all three in say ten years time. There will still be three different versions whether they are released in a week of each other or a decade.

Today's post was brought to you by the phrase "different versions".
Fantastic post, you saved me 20 mins typing out the exact same responce!!
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