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Old 09 Dec 2016, 17:05   #27
Mega Loafer
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Originally Posted by roomster View Post
Me too. And I'm from Norway...

I have been really looking forward to Tyce Greens new Steinman-album and started following him on Facebook a while ago, but he have now posted so many political postings and bashed Trump and his supporters so many times that I have lost all of my anticipation for his new record...

It seems to me that Tyce Green have higher ambitions to be a politician than a musician...
I agree, I started to mention it before but didn't want to be the one who starts the riot. I am fine with everyone holding their own beliefs and I respect them. That said if I want to hear you sing, then sing. I don't need to hear your politics. It will cost you money when you are in a job that operates off public perception.

Meat made one appearance in his career and because he wasn't on the side most were on he got roundly bashed and mentioned that he lost some promotional bookings. He also specifically declined to even comment this past election. Meanwhile Cher, Bon Jovi, and Bruce Springsteen all get up on stage and spout their politics with no real consequence that I can see.

The people above have established careers, and losing some sales won't hurt them any. Tyce does not. It is fine that he has passionate opinions but even if someone is constantly on Facebook and other social media talking politics (even when I agree with their views) I really am thinking like be an entertainer promote your songs and your career right now.

Agree or disagree with me that is fine, it is still a fact that people do notice this stuff and it sticks in their minds. A negative perception is not good, especially when you are trying to make a first impression.

It should be all about the songs and his budding career IMO.
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