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Old 08 Dec 2016, 01:08   #5
Sound Guy
Join Date: 25.11.2003
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Originally Posted by letsgotoofar View Post
I'm sorry, but I still don't really see the point. Live and one take shouldn't matter -- some of the best songs in rock history have benefited from sparse production and nailing it in a single take. You're an experienced producer. I'm sure you could find a way for the tracks that don't overlap with the main listing to flow with the present running order. If Jim could fit "Heaven Can Wait" and "Two Out of Three Ain't Bad" into an otherwise full-blast album like Bat, it shouldn't be so hard to fit 4 songs into specific junctures in a list of 9. Rather like creating a mix tape (or, these days, a playlist).

You're of course welcome to your opinion, and I'm not in charge, but it just seems to me like 13 songs and 3 bonus tracks would be nicer bang for the buck, and more in keeping with what fans might expect. (Maybe -- just spit-balling here -- one could even engage in some tomfoolery like a recent renowned singer of Steinman tracks did and label the overlapping bonuses "songwriter demos" for those in the larger market who are not up to speed on what those would sound like. )

My two cents.
Disc 1 is about 50 minutes of Music, Disc 2 about 45min, pretty good value..
No i dont really agree with you but thats ok no worries, there is no way jim and meat did much in one take ever, just poping a "live" track in the middle of an album would kill the flow....either way when you hear it you can better judge at that point..... i hope you can enjoy it
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