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Old 14 Nov 2016, 04:10   #295
Mega Loafer
Join Date: 16.04.2003
Location: Sheffield UK
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Originally Posted by Wario View Post
I personally cannot wait, but its interesting to see people who used to think only Meat can do these songs, support this.
For some of us Meat is irrevocably engineered into the songs; this doesn't mean to say we'd not support it, be interested, and want it to succeed.

I guarantee if meat didnt promote it this, this would be met with more trepidation by the non-Steinman diehards
You'd guarantee this? What's that saying? .. a fool and his money are soon parted You really give Meat's fans little credit.

It was a VERY smart move to have Meat come out and do a press tour.
A move you'd expect from any professional production company given Meat's standing in the UK, his close association with the Bat brand, and because he is the performer who's kept the songs alive here for 4 decades. Something he was clearly delighted and moved to do, and to publicly hand the mantle to Andrew.

And I hope this musical begins to mend this split in the fan community that absolutely sucks.

Team MLUKFC and Team Rockman need to be merged. honestly. If everyone from rockman comes here and theres a Jim subforum our community would be so strong. Right now its not.
In my view it doesn't, and they don't need to be. Members here who want to be part of Rockman already are, and vice versa. This has always been the Meat Loaf UK Fanclub, that has been Jim's. To even suggest dragging Jim's official site here as a sub-forum would be impertinent, and reminiscent of the issue with the original BOOH album cover.
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