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Old 10 Nov 2016, 21:01   #34
Super Loafer
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Originally Posted by AndrewG View Post
Would you have accepted a Hillary Clinton electoral college vote win without the popular vote?
And that is the biggest problem in American politics on both sides. If trump had one the popular vote with Clinton winning the EC, dems would never speak of the popular vote. Facts seem to be tools that only get used when it's convenient for one sides cause. The electoral college exists so the dem heavy population centers don't decide every election. Rural voters came out huge for trump, that's why the map you showed is so red.

The biggest mistake the establishment made was trying to crown Hillary president. They did everything they could to screw Bernie supporters and many of those came to trump as a result.

One thing I'll add, I don't think remember any Republican led riots when Obama won in 08' or 12. The way millennials are handling this election makes me truly worried for the future of the US and the world in general.
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