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Old 10 Nov 2016, 17:36   #25
I hope your salmon sucks!
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Originally Posted by CarylB View Post
Certainly he won more electoral college votes, but that does not mean individuals overwhelmingly voted for him. The popular vote was pretty evenly split, with Clinton just ahead I think. The EC institution has long been seen by many as a vestigial remnant of a bygone era. In public opinion polls, Americans of all political affiliations support a direct presidential election. Trump himself leveled a critique in 2012, calling it "a disaster for democracy". Its the system, and he certainly had a clear and conclusive win based on that .. but it doesn't equate with an overwhelming number of people's votes.
If he said that then I completely disagree with him on it.

It would be like Germany, the UK and France deciding everything in the EU (pretty much what has been happening ). Hence the resentment of people in the UK, a lot of people in The Netherlands, Italy, Greece and eastern European countries with Merkel's recent open door policy. Just because the population in one country is high doesn't mean in a union the others shouldn't be heard at all.

I'm glad we have a the constituency system in the UK. If the EU referendum was based on that we would be leaving even faster.

There are reasons for the electoral college system in the US and constituencies in the UK. A full simple body count in democracy doesn't work perfectly because of geographical reasons. As a simple stupid example a democracy of 2 wolves and a sheep isn't fair either. The wolves would have a 66% say on that the sheep gets eaten.
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