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Old 10 Nov 2016, 17:03   #20
I hope your salmon sucks!
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Originally Posted by Adje View Post
The U.S. is a very very divided country at this time.
I don't think the US is divided at all.

The blue team should simply understand they don't get to say who is in charge all the time. When they lose an election because the blue team got smaller they should accept it.

The red team didn't go off their heads when the blue team won in 2008 and 2012. In fact the last protests I can recall was when George W. Bush won. Again the blue team seems to struggle with the red team winning. Hmmm, and aren't they supposed to be the more "tolerant" ones?

The main stream media and the education establishments have a duty to inform rather than create a narrative where patriotism and limiting immigration (certainly limiting ILLEGAL immigration) are somehow filthy things. There are very valid reasons for patriotism and limiting immigration but the young and uninformed are not hearing them and simply think anyone who wants to limit immigration is a 1930s/1940s German dictator. Black lives matter (bankrolled by George Soros) has created a narrative that states somehow all cops are racists when in fact more white people are shot by police in the USA than African Americans.

Finally when it comes to reasons to limit immigration consider this graph.

This doesn't mean I don't want to see the 3rd world prosper. Instead it would be best sometimes if the strongest of that population stays there instead of moves to the first world so quickly and that we try to help them to do better over there. I think that would be a solution to a better world. Opening the doors like what Merkel did is easy but it doesn't seem to work that well even if she can sleep better at night thinking she has done a great thing.

My final argument:
At the back of people's minds I'm sure there is law and order (almost all law enforcement unions backed Trump). People could see the country not heading in the right direction with Obama. A nation of sympathy, feels, unlimited illegal immigration, exporting all manufacturing jobs, unlimited benefits, in fact socialism (eventually rewarding bad behaviour - see south America where this continually fails) is not what the United States of America was based on at all. Freedom meant you had to work for your living given liberties but you had to follow law and order.
When the Americans saw the FBI didn't uphold law and order when it came to Hillary Clinton's email scandal (people got put away for doing much less in the past) and saw that she somehow was above the law, the people in the USA took justice in their own hands; at the ballot box.

Last edited by AndrewG; 10 Nov 2016 at 17:17.
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