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Old 10 Nov 2016, 16:20   #13
trying to be realistic
Join Date: 28.09.2007
Posts: 1,957

So what happened?

My view of things on Trump's election.

Many things are involved here. First the current President. Agree or disagree with his policies but Obama has showed to be a President that based his decisions on what HE truly believed was the best for America. No scandals, no corruption. He was a gentleman in the White House. And people love him for that.

That did raise problems for Hillary Clinton though. If an honest person like Obama was not able to do what so many hoped he would do (and thus disapoint many Americans) why would Hillary be any different? How would America change for the ones that are very disapointed. The answer is simple. She couldn't.

Trump on the other hand had the advantage of this. So he used his campagne to play into that. And he did succeed.

In camp Hillary many underestimated how much she/the Clintons are hated and to get the votes of these people she needed to come up with a campagne that would take away of this feeling and show how capable she would be. And for a long time she succeeded.

I do believe that she had the momentum until the FBI got involved with the email return. Don't get me wrong, I don't say Hillary would have won if the FBI didn't suddenly decide to go public a week ago, but it did stop the momentum she had. And it was very obvious that the decision to come out with this 2nd investigation was a political decision. More so after the outcome of the 2nd investigation. It was intend to harm Hillary Clinton. It's a shame we now will never know how much that influenced the election but you can count on it that unhappy people that considered Hillary did change their mind after this.

Then there is another issue people underestimated. Too many voters are angry, scared and hateful. And the demonisation of Trump did not help that. Maybe even made it worse. Here is a guy playing into their fear and anger and all the media did was demolish the guy for so many things that they forgot what it is all really about.

One thing I've learned is that making a decision on emotion is never the wise decision. But this is what happened. People were angy, scared and had a guy playing into this emotions while being insulted by the media all the time. It created a bond.

During his campaign Trump, according to fact checks, has lied about 70% of the things he said. And non of the voters cared about the lies. They just wanted to hear the stuff they felt so strong about. In fact, according to some Dutch programms I saw, many actually believed the lies to be true. U.S. media missed an oportunity here. They should have made the fact checks more in the picture but instead they went after the pussy grabbing stuff.

Hillary, on the other hand whad another problem: Bernie suporters. Many of them didn't want to vote Hillary as she was part of the establishment and she didn't get Bernie enough involved in her campagn to get those people to vote for her. She just trusted them to vote for the democratic nominee when the moment called for it.

Trump on the other hand was smart enough to get non voters to expose their anger by voting against the Crooked establishment (he called it Crooked Hillary but it was clearly intended on all politicians).

So this is what happened. Many voters aren't willing to watch to the entire picture but to their situation only. Hillary would have been a better leader with focus on many items. Trump knew how to play into personal situations better and won a lot of votes there.

And this is where the polls went wrong. All major pollers only polled the people who voted in the past, denying the ones that didn't. Also they polled by phone where many were reluctant to admit they would vote for Trump (there was on poll team that predicted the outcome. They polled through the more anonymous internet and they polled people that didn't vote before) and thus the Clinton team and democrats who are not a fan of CLinton but figured she would beat Trump were blindsided. Leaving many anti-Trump voters at home. Basically because the polls showed that he wouldn't make a chance.

My personal thoughts:
I disagree with Andrew about his vision of Trump. I do believe that Trump is the worst choice. For a few very simple reasons. If you look back into the life of Trump he isn't that succesful as he claimed and the succes he did gain has always been over the back of the people that trusted him. Don't forget that, by the time he started the Apprentice show, his empire was in huge debt and about to crumble and the Apprentice succes did redeem him. Also the many investigations and lawsuits against his corruption are too much to deny. Trump has cheated his way out of so many issues and there are still lawsuits open.

Everything Trump has ever done has been about Trump. There is no denying that the man is a narcistic person. This was known about him 20 years ago, it never changed and even his entire way to the election has showed he is.
He also is a populist. He doesn't care about the truth but what sounds good. In the history of elections there has never been a candidate that has been so dishonest about the issues as Trump was.

So, in my opinion this is why I think the outcome of the U.S. elections are bad.

People voted, not by head but by Heart. (not all, but many many did) and as I explained earlier, it's not good to make a decision based on emotion. It forgets you to see the bigger picture, it makes you blind for reality and it stops you from comparing issues. Also, the Hate for the Clintons has been so inmense that many votes have been protest votes against Hillary Clinton. And believe me, voting for a candidate because you hate the oponent doesn't necersarily mean you made the right decision.

Also, Trump has proven himself to be a populist. And history has thought us over and over again what that means for society. Of course it's to hope that Trump will find good advisors in his team (and that he for once listens to them) and I'm sure the World will not get blown up because he is President, but I don't think the World will become a better place under President Trump. Sure there will people and even countries that will benefit. But not because it is right for America but because Trump cares about one thing only, the Trump name.

So would things have been better under Hillary? NO! And I want to make this also clear. The answer is a big NO.

Under Hillary things would have been merely the same as they are now, only with a person in the White House that would be less trusted than the current President. Too many things are not right in the U.S. and Hillary would not have been able to change that. Hillary in the White House would have created more of the same and basically a status quo, that is bad for many American citizens.

It was a choise between two bads. I only think that the worst of both was the one that outsmarted them all.

I will make this prediction. In 4 years the Democrats will get a President in the White House again. This time, in 2016, anger and fear decided the outcome and in 4 years many of the current voters will be so disapointed that they won't vote anymore.

One more thing that I want to make clear. Not ALL Trump voters handled out of the anger and fear and hate I was talking about. But many of them did. At least many enough to give him the edge. Most of those voters didn't vote for Romney (or Obama for that matter) but felt they had a reason to come out this time and cast their vote. There also have been many Republicans who either just voted for their party nominee or because they do see potential in Trump.

In all honesty, I am worried. Trump doesn't have the diplomacy of Obama and there is so much at stake in the U.S. and the World. Trump, in the past and during this election, has shown himself to be a loose canon. And I can't see how that is good. This isn't some Hollywood movie.

That said, he has the weight of an entire country on his shoulders now and I hope he handles that with care. He might not have been my choice, but now that he is elected he is the person that I wish strength and all the best during the Presidency, the people have voted. And it is time that Hillary suporters start to acknowledge their loss. Trump will be the next President and, like it or not, he is also your President. I read and hear about demonstrations and riots. It doesn't make this election undone. It's time to take your loss and continue with your life! Everybody was so shocked when Republicans said they would not accept the outcome of the election if Trump lost. But, people, isn't that what the democratic demonstrants are doing right now? Something about the pot calling the kettle black?
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