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Old 09 Nov 2016, 06:16   #2
I hope your salmon sucks!
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Totally doesn't surprise me. He had huge crowds at rallies constantly. Tim Kaine was getting less people turning up than I get at a modest birthday party. Hilary's rallies were only big when Obama turned up or when she had another celebrity.

The absolute arrogance of Hollywood, main stream media, big business (including Twitter, Facebook and Google who were clearly censoring Donald Trump and his supporters from what I saw), Bruce Springsteen (who lives in a 95% white rich area) was quite unbelievable I thought and they all underestimated their "enemy". They all insulted him. They all tried to bring him down and thought that would influence the vote. In the end I totally don't believe Trump was really their enemy. He was a voice of people who feel that they have been left behind and that the country could do better than a career politician completely intertwined with corruption.

I've read Wikileaks. And you know what? What ISNT in those emails is actually worse than what was in there. They hardly ever discussed what was going to be good for the American People. Only winning tactics and media collusion. Disgusting.

The right person won in my opinion. Trump learns fast and will not be a disaster regardless of what people think. Yeah stocks are going down somewhat. So what. Bankers perhaps lose out in the mean time. The same bankers everyone hated in 2008 for creating inflated bubbles.. A successful large country cannot simply rely on financial services only and Clinton was the absolute front of that.

Again I want to remind anyone reading this that almost the only adult in the entire celebrity establishment seemed to be Meat Loaf.
U2, Lady Gaga, Springsteen, George Clooney and others behaved like morons. Trying to take away people's choices. Ie don't do that or you're a racist etc.
If they REALLY thought Clinton was great, fine by me, go campaign for her (I still don't see why a politician needs rock concerts etc but whatever and Jayz Beyoncé were paid millions apparently). What they almost all did is to constantly focus on Trump was wrong and childish. Trump is not ~~~~~~ no matter how often you say it. When he puts his mind to things he is mostly successful. Sure out of the 100 ventures he has dabbled in he has had missteps. Considering only 1 in 10 businesses succeed his ratio isn't bad at all. You don't just become a billionaire through sleeping. He gets up at 5am everyday. That's a lot earlier than me.

Trump is no angel however, sure. Rude alpha male at times and sure he likes beautiful women. I don't believe he ever grabbed women that didn't want it. In the private recording he was talking about what women let celebs do whether you agree with it or not. Up to him and the women in his life. He never insulted Clintons supporters. Clinton did insult his supporters. These things are significant.

Also people should realise actions (corruption) speak louder than words.

Finally I honestly believe a government isn't there to make me feel good. I want it to uphold law and order, uphold constitutions, organise trade deals, strife for peace and good international relations, indeed keep me safe through borders if that's possible and never forget it is there to represent the common person who pays for the government. Of course a modest welfare programme is necessary but I honestly think socialism doesn't work. It promotes bad behaviour (why should I work etc or do better). Look at Venezuela and other South American countries where far left doesn't seem to work and gets people stuck in a vicious circle. Americans don't want this, that is clear. Back to basics isn't always a bad thing I reckon. We did it with Brexit to a certain extent and I honestly do believe the EU will collapse because of its own arrogance and beaucracy. A union of countries with open borders which have such differences between salaries and unemployment is total nonsense.

Obama: "if the UK leaves the EU, you'll be at the back of the queue for trade"
Trump: "The UK will be the first in the queue"

For the UK this positive attitude is I think much better than scare mongering from the establishment.

On another forum I was called an idiot for pointing the disconnect out from celebs in advance. Perhaps liberals / the left / social justice warriors will do some soul searching and stop insulting people as an idiot or racist so quickly whoever disagrees with their politics.

Glad there were more mature convos on this forum.

Last edited by AndrewG; 09 Nov 2016 at 07:05.
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