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Old 05 Nov 2016, 22:58   #13
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Originally Posted by Julie in the rv mirror View Post
I don't have any problem with people discussing tribute acts, but I'm not personally a big fan of them. I enjoy them more if the artists in question aren't around anymore, such as Elvis or the Beatles, but if it's an artist I know well and/ or love, it just makes me miss seeing the real thing. There is a Springsteen tribute act I have seen a couple of times, and they are very good- to the point that the lead singer has Bruce's moves down so well that I find it a bit creepy. Just my reaction.

I totally understand about wanting to keep the music alive, but I would rather see a great band just play the tunes while being themselves. Chris, you are a talented singer, and I would love to see more Chris and less Meat in your performance. Just be yourself!
The thing is tho, if the Springsteen act is so good due to having Bruce's mannerisms down what's the difference if I have meats?

Thanks for the compliments tho, I get that a lot.
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