Thread: JIm Interview
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Old 03 Nov 2016, 19:45   #56
Mega Loafer
Join Date: 16.04.2003
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Originally Posted by Wario View Post
You seriously miss out. While yes, noone can do jim like Meat, its still worth the time. First hand experience, we put in lots of work.

Not necessarily towards you Caryl, the stigma around here of tributes is appalling. The tribute section of the forum isnt even shown on the main page. Other fansites are much more supportive of tribute acts.
Nothing to do with "stigma". Do what you do and enjoy it to the full. And those who enjoy tributes, go, enjoy, have fun.

I'm sure you put in huge amounts of work, wouldn't deny that. There is clearly a market, but that I'm not part of it doesn't mean I'm missing out. I've never seen a Queen or ABBA tribute either; I don't drink instant coffee. Both are personal choices, just as I wouldn't go to see many artists live that others love.

I suspect Meat tributes have the most difficult task, simply because he has made those songs so much his own, and he IS each song, becomes it, and many I have seen in clips mimic his every movement faithfully .. but that is not the truth Meat brings, almost by definition. They reproduce as faithful a representation of Meat as they can .. but that is of Meat .. not of the character that he becomes. I'm not saying you do this; perhaps you find a character and your truth in the songs .. but I've just watched the live stream of the cast from BOOH The Musical. They are talented .. but it just misses something for me.

Many fans love tributes .. which is great for them. But please don't tell me I'm missing out, because I'm not :) And I don't think that because Tribute Talk is not in the section devoted to Meat Loaf is "stigmatising" either. No tribute IS Meat Loaf ... but I have never seen fans here knocking them (apart from he whose name may not be typed and accepted).
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