Thread: JIm Interview
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Old 01 Nov 2016, 20:20   #11
Mega Loafer
Join Date: 27.03.2003
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I did not want to be accused of pot-stirring (so I did not quote it first) and I'm sure we will all hear the "out of context", etc. But to me this sentence:
He and Meatloaf didn’t speak for years, because they were arguing over royalties and credits. ‘He was just Marvin Lee Aday!’ he exclaimed.

And this sentence " ‘I totally created the Meatloaf persona.’

I separated each complete sentence for a reason. I think maybe Jim feels like Meat was more "just" a singer (thus not part of royalties or credit). It is documented that during recording BOOH, Todd and Jim were somewhat dismissive of Meat. I have also seen that Jim's Meat Loaf "persona" vision didn't speak and was like a monster set loose from a cage, but that Meat started talking and ruined that plan.

I have always believed there was some creator/ creation drama. But I have rarely seen Jim state it so matter-of-factly and I know full well that Meat's love for Jim and that they talk all the time statements are a part of it as well.

Is there some arrogance on Steinman's side that marginalizes how much hard work, touring, and parts of his personality Meat added? I ask it as a question. Not to make much ado about potentially little, but if it was meant the way it was said, Jim would probably not want to be a member here, LOL.

Take it or leave it, just my thoughts and questions, and etc etc. your mileage may vary, void where prohibited.

Oh and PS, yes I read Jim's review.
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