Thread: Patti Russo
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Old 26 Sep 2016, 16:33   #45
Super Loafer
Join Date: 12.10.2012
Posts: 799

When the NLE lost Patti, for some, it was like losing a family member. She had been there for so long, it just didn't make sense as to why she was suddenly gone and many lashed out at Meat for "his" decision.

I always felt terrible for both of them, and had the pleasure of seeing the last US tour she did with him. (It was right after I joined here, actually).

It makes me sad to realize that who she is talking about in that post is Meat...Its hard to imagine him being that way. But I hope that this isn't an attempt to "get back" at him after he has hung up his singing career microphone.

IDK...I just want the best for BOTH of them.
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