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Old 05 Jul 2016, 00:13   #124
Super Loafer
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Originally Posted by proctorloaf View Post
calm down Danny. This is a soft launch. Manchester is like an off broadway try out where they'll test the show and make sure that all is good. Then the major press will happen in London.

The press is just to say that tickets are on sale. ATG (who run the Opera House in Manchester) are the biggest theatre company in Europe. They aren't going to let the show down with publicity. Although they might be a bit too commercial for Steinman. Time will tell.
I think as well, you rarely get massive releases (no pun intended) so far ahead when they haven't got anything to promote other than the fact it is by Jim and called Bat Out Of Hell The Musical. If you go back to when some of the biggest musicals out there were first released, it was the few months leading up to the premier when you started to see adverts appearing. Coming attractions are usually only advertised in theatre magazines by the season or quarter (other then well established shows and Pantomimes which are advertised like a year before), so this will fall into the Winter/Spring coming attractions which won't get a massive amount of attention until Autumn.

I know when Rocky Horror was on tour recently most of the tickets were sold in the month leading up to the performance, and a lot of them ended up sold out.

I would expect there to be a steady stream of ticket sales here and there for the next few months and then it will start to book once they have a cast, more information on the website and such as that.
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