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Old 25 Oct 2014, 11:08   #56112
Mega Loafer
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Originally Posted by Monstro View Post
Hate 8, my laptops run Vista or 7 though both will be retired soon as my already upgraded Sony Vaio just can't handle Photoshop & Lightroom. Afraid I'm biting the bullet and moving to Apple, bit pissed I can't get a macbook pro in 17" but with what the 15" retina is gonna cost it would probably be too expensive for me anyway.
I quite like the Sony Vaio but I can imagine how a fair few computers would struggle with Lightroom and Photoshop. I've not used Lightroom myself but knowing its capabilities, I can imagine why so many computers can't handle it. My dad's desktop used to be able to run Photoshop and Dreamweaver CS6 together (I say used to because I don't use Dreamweaver much any more) but this newest laptop of mine won't run just Photoshop CS6 without a lot of lagging. I might put CS2 on it and see if it co-operates better with that.

I didn't buy this computer, The Disabled Students Allowance did (and put all this assistive technology on it for my Open University work). The last one I bought is about three years old but needs looking at. On a whole it's a better computer but still not all that close to what I'd like. I've got an eleven year old laptop sitting around somewhere and that was a brilliant computer in it's day but I don't really know what to do with it now.

Originally Posted by Monstro View Post
On another note I thought they were jumping to Windows 10 and missing 9

edit, yup, straight to 10....
I'm not all that up to date with the developments with Windows. I used to be but have fallen behind a bit because I've been doing this unpaid website stuff.

Originally Posted by Sebastian. View Post
You won't regret it. Made the jump to Apple with a 13 inch retina MacBook Pro. They're lightning fast, the screen is a thing of beauty and OSX puts windows to shame and it's so easy to upgrade to each new OSX. Free and it doesn't format your Mac.
So I'm not wrong to sit and look at these things in awe then?
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