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Old 26 Sep 2014, 03:34   #55965
Julie in the rv mirror
Spirit in the Night
Join Date: 23.07.2008
Location:  On the edge of town (in the Darkness...)
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Originally Posted by Guy View Post
There was a great story on Radio 2 in the UK about a guy and his girlfriend who had been saving up for years to go to a BS gig and finally there dream came true. They had spent all there money getting flights to USA for a gig at madison square gardens and the only show tickets they could afford where right at the back up in the heavens. When they got there they were just thrilled to be at the show even though they were so far away.
As they were sitting down a man approached them and told them that he could get better seats than that and handed over a wristband and told them to make there way to the bottom level.
Would you of handed over your tickets to a complete stranger???
Anyway it ended up that this guy had given them front row tickets and VIP treatment!!!!! all for nothing.
Apparently BS is known for this type of thing and sends out 'spotters' to do just this.
Yep, we call it being "MIB'd"- the guys are usually wearing black.

The guy in the story was in the "Springsteen and I" movie, which while it has a few awkward (IMO) segments, it also has a few really good stories, such as the above, and the street busker who got Bruce to play with him out on the sidewalk, and a hilarious guy whose wife dragged him around to shows. Unfortunately, the version of the film that's out on TV/DVD doesn't have the epilogue (I believe), which is the best part, IMO, when they surprised a few of the fans in the film with a meeting with Bruce himself.
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