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Old 18 Sep 2014, 14:18   #55934
Mega Loafer
Join Date: 17.09.2011
Posts: 1,811

My hamstring has suddenly been cramping up constantly over the last day or so. I've worried it may knock my participation on Saturday. My work colleague (who's also running) is much amused and says it's just a wimp-out.
So, an hour ago I set off on a light, loosener believing it'd ease the spasm. Got 50 yards down my road and had to pull-up. Not happy one jot.
Emergency action required.
On the off chance, I've sped up to a nearby sports clinic. Luckily, it was a walk-in surgery. I've explained my predicament.
He asked only two questions, "Do you run on pavements and are you right handed" to both of which I replied "Yes".
Before you could say Sebastian Newbold Coe he had me straddling his couch.
Two hefty yanks of my back later I was on my way.
He explained how he'd released the elastic band!
What a guy. Said he was a runner also and didn't charge me.
First time ever I've used one of these places. So glad I did.
Will need to buy him a bottle of wine after the race.
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