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Old 01 Aug 2013, 20:23   #89
Mega Loafer
Join Date: 16.04.2003
Location: Sheffield UK
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Something I don't think has been touched on, the fact that the venue is much smaller.
The smaller the venue the less seats there are (and don't forget, this is tables, not concert seating that's designed to squeeze in as many bodies as possible).
I think it holds about 12-1300, so yes, far smaller and more intimate. Tables are in the front VIP area, then there's a row of banquette seating, the conventional seating in three blocks behind. There's two blocks of orchestra seating, seem to be in three blocks across, and a mezzanine arranged similarly. I'd expect it to be fairly steeply banked, so everyone gets a great view of the stage.

Here's a better picture of the theatre:

And really, leaving aside the cost of getting and staying there, the price of the tickets is imo pretty fair, and the lowest price no more than any arena ticket here. The M&G may seem high to fans used to a performer who has offered his at the low end of the scale on his tours (no surprise they sell out so fast over here .. London sold out within the first day) .. but Meat has made them lower the price by $250, so they're still much cheaper than those offered by other performers (and still cheaper than those offered by some performers over here on their arena tours!). And it's Vegas and he has no control over their entertainment tax, which leaves TM standing on the horizon

Yes, it will be a great show, and I'm sorry you can't make it But the biggest chunk is getting there. It was always going to be an expensive outing, but fr those who can manage it I'm sure it will be a wonderful show And it keeps Meat performing with a whole lot less stress than being on tour for months! Which I think he's earned

Last edited by CarylB; 01 Aug 2013 at 20:38.
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