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Old 31 May 2013, 00:50   #20
Senior Loafer
Join Date: 05.05.2006
Location:  good ol' Germany, rather westwards
Posts: 169

I got Meat to sign a photo album for me once but oddly enough it doesn't mean that much to me. I think it's what has been said before: autographs get their importance to the owner if there are special memories connected to the moment of signing.
My book was signed by Meat who was still on the tourbus while I was busy not missing anything going on with the band at the same time. There was so much going on around me that I almost forgot that I gave it to whatwashername....Cheryl? Anyway, his assistant, so that she was waving my book in the air asking who it belonged to :)

If I should ever get so lucky to meet him again - I will decline any offer of signing something and rather ask for a handshake & a smile. Sounds cheesy but I really don't want a second signature to put in my collection.
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