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Old 30 May 2013, 17:59   #17
The Flying Mouse
Armed ba$tard and Jo's other half.
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Originally Posted by AndrewG View Post
Seems a bit daft to me that people ask Meat to sign something and then part with it immediately. I'd prefer to think of his signature on something as more of a personal touch really. Rather than something I could ever sell.
Well said

Originally Posted by Wario View Post
Thats cause youre diehard. Most people get autographs for the coin involved. If I wasnt big into meat Id sell the sucker. Just cause money's money. And im a college student
Unfortunatly there are plenty of people who only ask for autographs to sell them on.

I remember being in a record shop years ago where I am well known as a collector of Meat Loaf memorabillia.
The guy at the counter introduced me to a guy who was in the shop that day that worked in the kitchens of a hotel Meat stayed in when he was filming The 51st State.
The guy said he met Meat, who was really nice, and told him to bring stuff to the hotel for him to sign.
The guy brought (no joke) about 20 items into work, and true to his word, Meat siged each and every one.
The bloke told me they were all for sale and offered me an autograph for £25

I'm sure that's not what Meat had in mind when he kindly took the time to work his way through that stack of items

I didn't own a Meat Loaf autograph at the time, and I didn't buy one of the ones the bloke was selling.

For one, it left a bad taste in my mouth that he was being so mercenary about the items Meat took time to sign.
I think of an autograph given free of charge as a gift. Something personal from that person to you.
Selling it to a fan for cold hard cash seems a little, off

I'd like to think that if I had an autograph of someone, and it didn't mean much to me, i'd rather give it to a fan, someone who would really value it, free of charge rather than sell on a gift.
Saying that, if someone launched a ton of cash at me, I might review that stance
But i'd certainly never sell (or otherwise part with) an autograph of someone I count myself a fan of.

For another, it wouldn't mean as much to me as it wasn't obtained in person.
Plus, you can never guarentee the autograph is genuine.
The upshot is that I finally got to meet Meat at the Oxford Street signing, and he signed the cover of my vinyl copy of Bat. It's now in a gold frame on my wall, and there it will STAY while there is breath in my body

Originally Posted by CarylB View Post
I often wonder how genuine some of those being sold by specialists are.
But what about the certificate of authenticity?

Originally Posted by Wario View Post
Well actually my cousin is in the Ebay-Celebrity autograph selling business. Guess most wasnt the correct thing to say but ALOT of people sell the stuff. Its a huge huge community that does it. Hes told me most people sell. youll be surprised. More people find personal value in a picture and sell the autograph.
It's big business alright.
While it's true many autographs come from fans, i'd say that most come from people who got an autograph because they were in the right place at the right time and got an autograph for the hell of it.
Another source of autographs is when they are sold on by the family when the original owner passes away.

Originally Posted by CarylB View Post
Personally I wouldn't hang around trying to get something signed if I didn't value the artist and want to treasure it
I can't see the sence in hanging round a stage door for a couple of hours in the rain just to get an autograph of someone you don't admire just to make a few quid

As a footnote to autograph mania, and i've probably mentioned this before, I used to have the weirdest dreams where I bumped into Meat in the strangest situations.
At the end of all these dreams, shortly before waking up, i'd think "I didn't get his autograph " and start kicking myself
Met Meat, got autograph, dreams stopped.
Weird huh
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